This is a two hour recorded webinar with two supervision CEUs available.
Clinical Supervision is a critical component to the professional development of those seeking independent clinical licensure within our profession of Social Work. Most people who are interested in doing clinical work as social workers recognize the importance of competent supervision, but how do we ensure that we are providing that level of support as supervisors?
Throughout today’s presentation, we will discuss some of the key aspects of the supervision process that are important to consider when establishing that relationship as supervisor and supervisee. It will be the goal of the presenter to focus on the nuts and bolts of clinical supervision. This will include zeroing in on what appear to be key aspects of preparing our colleagues for their independence as clinical social workers, and different ways to do this. The presentation will also discuss the importance of the therapeutic alliance and the relationship established between the supervisor and the supervisee to ensure that we can successfully assist the supervisee with the third objective of this training, which is skill development and clinical case conceptualization.
Many social workers just embarking into the clinical space can have difficulty putting their new clinical knowledge into action. It is the role of the supervisor to help connect the dots through the supervision space so that their individual skills can be realized and uncovered. It is about insight into our own clinical practice and bringing insight to them about theirs. After all, in every case, Insight Paves the Road to Compassion, especially when it is directed at ourselves.