As a member of the MSCSW you can:
- Network with your professional colleagues. Membership meetings featuring clinically focused programs are held regularly from September through May.
- Attend monthly educational events for free or at a discounted rate.
- Attend our annual, live members dinner in the Twin Cities.
- Join or start a study group or supervision group for LICSW licensure.
- Represent your professional interests to the state legislature, to the media, to the mental health field, to the Social Work Licensing Board, and to your community.
- Receive legislative updates. Keep current on the changing healthcare reform actions. Minnesota is making major changes that will affect your practice. Learn how you can make a difference for your profession.
- Receive our semi-annual e-newsletter. Keep on top of issues that matter to your practice with articles and opinions from our national leaders. Read book reviews and new member profiles.
- Opportunity to submit an ad or content of interest to the e-newsletter.
- Purchase the Clinical Social Work Journal at a discounted rate.
$120 General Membership | LICSW
$60 Associate Membership | LISW, LGSW
$120 Friends of the Society/Other Mental Health Professionals
$35 Student Membership
Free Emeritus, retired from practice
Why should you join CSWA?
You may be surprised to learn that when you join the Minnesota Society for Clinical Social Work, you are not automatically a member of the national branch of CSWA!
Are you pleased that Congress is poised to pass a bill to extend telemental health coverage?
Are you glad that the Social Work Compact will be implemented in the next year?
Were you relieved when the attempts of CareDash and BetterHelp to limit patient access to LCSWs were stopped?
You may not know it, but all these successes were ones that the Clinical Social Work Association (CSWA) played a role in achieving. You also may not know that individual membership by LCSWs in CSWA is what makes the work that went into these efforts possible at the national level.
As a member of our Society, you receive a discount to join the national group, a bargain at $75.00.
To further clarify, joining CSWA provides benefits at the national level, just as our state society does at the state level such as:
- National Advocacy – CSWA’s lobbying team meets regularly with members of Congress, addresses bills and rules proposed by Congress and CMS that impact LCSWs and clients we serve, and works with other disciplines through the Mental Health Liaison Group. CSWA gets invited to briefings, writes policy statements, and consults with many elected and appointed officials.
- Webinars on practice and regulatory issues – this includes not just high-quality Continuing Education events,
- Free consultation with our Director of Policy and Practice, Laura Groshong, LICSW. Almost every day Laura consults with members on complicated practice issues such as: Medicare, Medicaid, telemental health, insurance questions, technology, supervision, private practice, and much more.
In short, your Membership is crucial to CSWA.
Individual memberships are the basis for everything CSWA does for clinical social workers. Clinical social workers need educational support and direct advocacy at the state and national levels. Become part of the three-way partnership between you, CSWA, and the Minnesota Society for Clinical Social Work, to keep clinical social work strong and thriving.
Join CSWA at!